Thank You for visiting my blog; hopefully you will find it worthwhile.

My name is Anna and SHOIKA has been my nickname for what seems to be an eternity:) It was December of 2009 when I became utterly and irreversibly obsessed with crocheting! Having stumbled upon an amigurumi website, (thank you Alicia! Your online tutorials are brilliant!) I was fascinated by the whole idea of tiny stuffed creatures and decided to master the art of crochet. Ever since, I've produced quite a few little fellas, some of which I would like to share with you.

Today I am a full-time mom of a toddler...and that's great! At the same time it means that spare time is something I can only dream about. But I do get lucky nonetheless:) It is during those moments of quietude that I can finally sit back and crochet. What can possibly be more relaxing?! You should try it if you haven't already.